Industry News

AprilAire Celebrates April as Healthy Air Month, Mirroring EPA Priorities

AprilAire has claimed the month of April as Healthy Air Month and is celebrating in a trio of ways: participating in healthy air events; recommending ways to keep the planet clean because Earth Day is every day, not just April; and continuing to offer products that help capture viruses, prevent illness and mitigate radon. The sum result will be a month focused on improving indoor air quality in homes.

Naming April Healthy Air Month echoes the EPA’s “Clean Air in Buildings Challenge” announced last month, as well as the World Health Organization’s recent report that 99% of the global population breathes air that exceeds WHO limits and threatens their health. This national emphasis and global awareness on ventilation, filtration and healthy air is a welcome priority.

Since the global celebrations of Earth Day and Earth Month take place in April, it is fitting the month is also recognized as Healthy Air Month since healthy air is vital for the environment. April is the perfect time to check a home’s indoor air for proper filtration and purification. The company’s tips include reducing or eliminating household cleaners, air fresheners, and even scented candles, which can contain harmful volatile organic compounds; avoiding idling cars while waiting in lines; and choosing energy-efficient products for the home.

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