Product News

UNICO Offers Thermal Mass Furnace

Unico, Inc. has added a technology to its product line with the introduction of a thermal mass furnace for efficient, comfortable central heating.

Cocoon is an electric furnace that uses a solid ceramic thermal mass, which produces heat in the infrared spectrum. The furnaces use up to 41% less electricity to produce heat than standard electric furnaces, feature a compact modular footprint and high-quality construction, and has a multi-stage variable speed electronically commutated blower motor – which is highly efficient and provides better airflow.

The furnace includes smart controls that optimize the heating and blower operations.  Similar to The Unico System, the furnaces are modular, quick and easy to install, and come in two model sizes: THRMS1800 for spaces up to 1,800 square feet, and THRMS3200 for areas up to 3,200 square feet.

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