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SEMCO’s ‘Center of Excellence’ Awarded to Philadelphia LEED Platinum Office Building Developer

Left to right: Tom “TK” Kitchen, business development director–chilled beams, SEMCO, presents Scott Mazo, principal/founder, University Place Associates with the Center of Excellence award for a sustainable and energy cost-reducing green design used in the LEED Platinum office building project, 2.0 University Place.

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – Sustainable real estate developer, Scott Mazo, founder and managing partner, University Place Associates LLC, received the Center of Excellence award from SEMCO LLC at the 2016 Greenbuild  International Conference and Expo in October.

The Center of Excellence award honors buildings with unique sustainable and energy cost-reducing green design, such as UPA’s recently developed 98,000-square-foot 2.0 University Place in Philadelphia’s surging University City green building corridor. 2.0 University Place, is a LEED Platinum project and one of the world’s first multi-tenant, multi-certified sustainable office buildings.

The five story building’s HVAC system features SEMCO’s chilled beams and dedicated outdoor air dehumidifiers with energy recovery wheels, as well as high-efficiency boilers and chillers. The building is recording a 62 percent energy savings versus conventional building HVAC methods, according to LEED energy modeling performed by the project’s sustainability consultant, Sheward Partnership. Energy modeling also revealed the building surpasses ASHRAE Standard 90.1 requirements by 44 percent. Daily energy tracking reveals the building ranks in the upper 22 percentile of Energy Star program facilities nationwide.

Now on the heels of selling the 100 percent leased building to Swiss-based Zurich Insurance Group, UPA is developing 3.0 University Place, the next generation of sustainable office space that is the world’s first global pilot project for pre-certified LEED v4 Platinum. The 190,000-square-foot, five-story project will cut HVAC utility costs even more as the world’s first office building to use SEMCO’s NEUTON controllable chilled beam pump module. The NEUTON cuts HVAC labor and material construction costs up to 50 percent, while providing energy-saving pinpoint zone temperature control for chilled beam applications.

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