
Todd Titus Named Director of HARDI State and Public Affairs

Todd Titus has joined Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Distributors International as director of state and public affairs. He is the first at the association to serve in a full-time role dedicated to helping HARDI and its members advance policy at the state level. Titus will apply his government affairs director experience to HVACR-related issues to protect the interests of HARDI membership.

State government affairs is an increasingly complicated effort, with every state following different legislative schedules and varying degrees of regulatory autonomy that affect products sold by HARDI members. Tracking and mitigating the changes to the industry posed by state action is necessary to the success of HARDI’s total policy engagement approach.

Titus’ day-to-day will involve monitoring legislative and regulatory changes across all 50 states to inform and educate membership. He will also spearhead grassroots initiatives, advocate before elected officials and network with relevant stakeholders.

Applicable policy changes affecting the HVACR industry include Congress-directed rebate programs for electrification and energy efficiency and regulated PFAS. Both issues require a deeper understanding and context for how their impact affects the distribution channel. Titus will be the eyes, ears and distributor of key information to membership to drive state-level initiatives. For more information, visit hardinet.org.

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