Midea Empowers Future HVAC Pros on National HVAC Tech Day
National HVAC Tech Day on June 22 is the perfect time to acknowledge the dedicated HVAC technicians who work tirelessly to ensure comfort, often in extreme conditions and challenging environments. This year, Midea is spotlighting its commitment to the future of the HVAC industry in the following training and educational initiatives:
Earlier this year at the 2024 AHR Expo, the company participated in a workforce development panel and spoke to over 100 students about career opportunities for technicians and how the professional HVAC landscape is evolving. This initiative led to further collaboration between these institutions. Realizing a need for modern heat pump technology in these training facilities, the company donated its products at no cost. Now, the donated systems are being used in Career and Technical Education classes for installation training, digital multi-meter training and visuals throughout multiple units.
Its flagship showroom, training and distribution center in Fresh Meadows, Queens serves as a dynamic hub for sales, training and service operations. Here, contractors and consumers can interact with, learn about and purchase a full suite of advanced heat pump products. The showroom also functions most weekends as an educational center, providing heat pump training, technical communications, consumer tours and collaborations with utilities like Con Edison and PSEG. Additionally, it serves as a meeting spot for architects, interior designers and Con Edison consultants to provide comprehensive consultation solutions for homeowners.
The company is the designated brand for instruction at a professional training school in New York, the Electrical and HVAC/R Training Center. On May 29, the school organized students to attend a full-day training session the company’s showroom in Queens. The course educated students about high-efficiency heat pump technology applications and installation, as well as regional home energy incentives. This training session marked the beginning of a series of educational initiatives aimed at preparing students for successful careers in the HVAC industry.
Lastly, Midea is active on LinkedIn, posting ongoing educational content, as well as highlighting its efforts to shape the next generation of HVAC technicians.