Bradley Releases New Results from 2025 Healthy Handwashing Survey

Despite an increasing number of Americans making a point to wash their hands more during cold and flu season, a growing number of people – almost 8 out of 10 – have witnessed others leave public washrooms without washing their hands, according to Bradley Company’s Healthy Handwashing Survey.
The annual survey queried 1,032 American adults in January 2025 about their handwashing habits, concerns about seasonal viruses and their use of public restrooms. The 2025 survey shows that public concern regarding contracting the flu has gradually increased since 2016. Currently, 65% are very or somewhat concerned about the flu compared to only 53% nine years ago. To fend off the flu virus, 79% are washing their hands more frequently or thoroughly, reflecting an increase from 74% last year.
Handwashing missteps
While flu concerns and handwashing practices are elevated, reports of improper handwashing practices are also rising. An increasing number of Americans say they frequently see others leave public restrooms without washing their hands. Three-fourths (77%) now make this observation at least occasionally, compared with 68% last year. Still, 81% of Americans say they always wash their hands after using a public restroom and another 11% say they usually do.
Public restroom woes
“For those who skip handwashing in a public restroom, the most common reasons are a lack of soap or paper towels, sinks that are dirty or out of service, overcrowding and bad smells,” says Jon Dommisse, vice president of business development and strategy for Bradley Company. “It’s no wonder that the most desired improvement in public bathrooms is keeping them more consistently clean and stocked with supplies.”
For facilities, a poorly maintained restroom not only interferes with handwashing follow through, it can also create negative perceptions. 84% of the population say that an unclean or unpleasant restroom at a business or other establishment has a negative impact on their overall impression of that business or establishment.
To view the full survey findings, click here.