Industry News

Ice Air Cold Climate Heat Pumps Meet NEEP ccASHP Performance Specifications

Several Ice Air heat pumps, including single package vertical and packaged terminal heat pumps, are included on the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump product list. Originally launched in 2015 as part of the NEEP Heating Electrification Initiative, the product list consists of ASHP systems that meet the latest version of the ccASHP Specification for both performance levels and a series of reported performance standards. In addition to the ccASHP product list, NEEP also provides a consolidated Air Source Heat Pump Program Incentive Summary of regional and national programs for easy reference.

Space and water heating comprise more than 90% of all direct carbon emission from homes and buildings in the region. Recognizing that heat pump technologies offer viable solutions for reducing these emissions, the ccASHP specification identifies air source heat pumps that heat efficiently in cold climates (IECC climate zone 4 and higher). It is intended as a model equipment specification to be used broadly by clean energy and energy efficiency program administrators in cold climates as a minimum requirement for program qualification, as well as by engineers, contractors and other practitioners involved in the heat pump selection process.

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