Trimble introduced its model-based estimating workflow, which seamlessly connects the building information model to the estimate for mechanical piping and electrical contractors. Powered by a direct API connection between Trimble SysQue detailing software and Trimble Estimation MEP cloud estimating software, the workflow provides contractors with greater project insight and visibility, improved collaboration and more accurate project execution.
Model-based estimating focuses on the “I” in BIM to create the estimate from the constructible model. The detailer creates the constructible model—up to Level of Detail (LOD) 400—using SysQue. Once the model is complete, the model information is sent to Trimble Estimation MEP with the click of a button. A populated estimate with the selected details is then automatically created in Estimation MEP complete with a list of materials that contain a description, size, price and labor hours from Trimble’s MEP content database.