Systemair North America Launches New Green Ventilation Label

Systemair has launched its new green ventilation sustainability label. The mark constitutes an environmental performance benchmark to guide customers toward the most sustainable solutions within the company’s product portfolio. It comprises strong and easily verifiable sustainability requirements tailored to each product category, which define when a product is entitled to carry the new label or not.
The mark is subject to category-specific sustainability requirements, which define when a product is entitled to receive the green ventilation label. The set requirements are measurable and verifiable, allowing customers to make apples-to-apples comparisons and select the products that best meet their sustainability goals and needs. The label considers not only a unit’s energy efficiency but also its impact on indoor air quality, safety, comfort and global warming potential, among other factors.
In North America, the product areas eligible for the logo are air handlers, fans, energy recovery ventilators, car park fans, and classroom vertical unit ventilators.