Noritz Introduces No Roof Kit

Noritz America maximizes the ease of installation with its new No Roof Kit. With this accessory, premix burner Noritz tankless water heaters can be installed without the installer setting foot on the roof, offering time-, labor- and cost savings in residential applications.
Not only does the kit eliminate the contractor’s need to climb on the roof to install venting for the tankless water heater, but drilling holes in the wall for exhaust is also no longer needed. Best suited for single-story homes and attic installs, the kit is sold separately from the Noritz model of choice and includes all the necessary components for installation.
Those components include three, 36-inch polypropylene pipes and a PP-PVC adaptor, a 2-inch single vent conversion kit and a diffuser kit. To use the kit, a pre-existing, 3- or 4-inch circular B-vent, no longer than 8.5 feet, with a straight vertical shot from the ceiling to the roof, is required.
The redesigned 2-inch SV conversion kit carries a sleeker look, allowing air to enter the unit to be used for combustion, while permitting the exhaust to move through the kit, using the B-vent as a chase.
The kit can be used with the Noritz EZ98 and EZ111, as well as the Noritz NRCR Residential Condensing Tankless Water Heater Series.